Experience the Exuberance
首先,TM從來沒有提到過聖道冥想強調的那種有形的可以體會到的幸福感。儘管許多 TM 實踐者可能也體驗到了,但聖道冥想鼓勵去體會和嚮往這一點。第二,TM已經成了一個搞個人崇拜的組織,甚至有邪教的嫌疑,例如他們崇拜TM創始人瑪哈理士和其他印度大師。聖道冥想不要這樣。我們感謝瑪哈理士把TM方法從印度帶到了世界,但是這個方法所依賴的一切都是來自宇宙的創造者,自然法的創造者,也可以稱為聖道(Logos),我們只感謝這個創造者就好,不崇拜其他任何個人。第三,TM程序現在很複雜,這根本沒必要。當瑪哈理士向世界介紹TM時,世界之所以很快就接受了它,是因為它很簡單。連瑪赫理士也說:「這非常簡單。他們一直告訴我,我必須把事情複雜化,這樣人們才會認為我在說一些重要的事情。” 第四,TM組織向學習者收取天文數字的費用,以此盈利,老師必須經過付學費學很多複雜的東西,得到證書才能教學生。這完全沒必要,好東西大家分享。最後,也是重要的,聖道冥想是聖道禪修的一部分,聖道禪修強調聖道,從聖道那裡理解自然規律和意識運作的知識,從聖道那裡汲取能量
Through Logos Meditation (LM), a simple meditation method, you will get a blissful feeling unique and tangible each time you practice it. Each LM section lasts about 15-20 minutes, after which you will be like battery fully charged and are able to continue to do whatever in your hands with more energy, more confidence, more creativity and higher productivity. Your increased positivity will be felt by all those close to you and you will find the whole world conspires to help you succeed, as the legend said in the popular book “Alchemist”. Simply put, you will become more charismatic. If you do not care about business as much as others, you will also get rewarded, i.e. you will be more healthy and less vulnerable to diseases. Your body is like a well guarded castle and diseases find it hard to find a footage or an entry point. You will age slowly and may even reverse to be younger. Of course, you do not get these results over night. LM needs to be practiced twice a day and everyday (all right, you may get partial benefit if you do it once in a while, just as I did years ago, but I regret it). The method is simple, but it requires you to be patient, persevere, and do not easily give up. Remember, “all things excellent are as difficult as they are rare”, as the great philosopher Spinoza once said. Fortunately, many people experience some blissfulness immediately so they are more inlined to continue, sometimes even addictively, in a positive way. Last but certainly not the least, the more you practice, the more strengthened and expansive your brain’s neuron network will become, so you will get all the benefits mentioned above more as you practice more, and that will benefit you when you age as you will be less likely to get the diseases associated with older age.
How do I know this? The benefits from meditation have been generally proved in medicine, and that is why many companies provide their employees mindfulness program, a type of meditation in which you focus on being intensely aware of what you're sensing and feeling in the moment, without interpretation or judgment. Many universities have done research to show the benefit.
Among the researchers, many are associated with the Transcendental Meditation movement. In fact, I started meditation with TM. Then why not continue to be with TM? First, TM never mentioned the tangible bliss I experienced and mentioned. All meditation methods including TM mention about inner peace, focused attention, serenity, and so on, but we emphasize the blissful feeling in addition to all these. Why not, life should be blissful. Second, TM has become a cult with complicated procedures like worshipping Maharishi and other Indian Gurus, we do not wish to do this. We appreciate Maharishi to bring the method to the world from India, but the method, the brain and consciousness mechanism are all from the universe creator, the natural law creator, i.e. the logos, (partially through evolution,) thus we only worship the the creator. Third, TM organizations are charging disciples astronomical amount of money, we do not. Fourth, TM dictates complicated procedure, teachers have to go through a long process to get a certificate, paying a lot of money of course. This is unnecessary. When Maharishi introduces TM to the world, the world quickly accepted it simply because it is simple. Even Maharishi said, ““It’s so very simple. They keep telling me I must make it complicated so that people will think I’m saying something important.”
So in Logos Meditation, we keep it simple, keep it blissful.